Nick Jubainville

Full Stack Developer


Idleon Companion


Fun pastime turned dev passion project. When I'd heard that a member of the community for the game had been working on a companion website, I instantly hit them up to see what help I could offer. A couple months later we had a solid version of the companion live as well as a growing Discord server dedicated to gathering devs from the game's community together to contribute to all of the branching projects that were popping up.

Relevant Skills

  • Vue
  • Typescript

April 2021 - August 2021

United Way Poverty Simulator Index United Way Poverty Simulator Experience Selection United Way Poverty Simulator Playthrough United Way Poverty Simulator Conclusion

United Way Poverty Simulator


The United Way handed us a prototype of their Poverty Simulator and we were tasked with getting it ready for deployment. On this project, I spearheaded the design, creating mockups consistent with their style guide & presenting them to the client for approval. Upon approval, I made the requested changes and began development to implement the design. This was a great experience that not only allowed me to work with some wonderful team members, but also gave me an idea of what to expect in a time where we were all working from home.

Relevant Skills

  • Javascript
  • ReactJS
  • Photoshop
  • Scrum workflow

September 2020 - December 2020

United Way Poverty Simulator Index United Way Poverty Simulator Experience Selection United Way Poverty Simulator Playthrough United Way Poverty Simulator Conclusion United Way Poverty Simulator Admin Dashboard

Memorable Fictional Cats SEO Project


I've become quite fond of designing & developing websites, but quickly realized that I was only focusing on a small piece of the whole pie. With this website, I branched out into the business side of things: writing copy with an emphasis on the usage of keywords, incorporating Google Analytics & Facebook Pixel, managing the site's Facebook & Instagram page, and crosslinking with the hopes of improving search rankings.

Relevant Skills

  • SEO
  • Google Analytics

November 2020

Memorable Cats Mobile Preview Memorable Cats Site Preview Memorable Cats Site Preview Memorable Cats Lighthouse Ratings

Android Egg Catch Game


Following my Android Development class, I wanted to further my knowledge in Android Studio. Being that it was around Easter, I found it fitting to use the holiday as the theme of the app. Enter stage right: Egg Catch. It's a relatively simple game, where the player controls the bunny by holding the screen to move right, and letting go to move left. The main objective is to collect the falling eggs in order to raise your score. If you accidentally collect a rock instead, it will shrink the play area by 20%. Collecting one of the more infrequent pink eggs will increase the area by 10%, allowing the opportunity to save yourself from a game over.

Relevant Skills

  • Java
  • XML
  • Photoshop

April 2018

Project Repository
Egg Catch Game Main Interface Egg Catch Positioning Code Egg Catch Positioning Code Egg Catch Game Over Code


Growing up, I always had a passion for technology; an outlier in a small town. Ambitious as I was, it took some time before I came across my path into software development. I love to problem solve, and hate monotony; what better pursuit in life than where I am now?

During my time working as a dev I've been involved in a number of projects stemming from full-stack dev work to mobile app dev in Ionic-Angular. Recently I've been pursuing a couple passion projects, including learning more about Discord bot development and software security!
